My Plan As Mayor,
I’m Carolyn Parrish, running for Mayor of Mississauga. With a history of accomplishments, I’m dedicated to leading our city towards affordable living and great communities where everyone wants to live. Let’s continue to work together to ensure a vibrant future that’s within everyone’s reach. Join me!

Over 40,000 residents have moved out of Mississauga since the last census. A shortage of housing has increased prices to levels that are unaffordable to many, both for rental or purchase. In fact they are amongst the highest in the country. We pride ourselves on welcoming people from all over the world and from all walks of life so we must find a wide range of solutions to our housing shortage. Fourplexes and other gentle infill approaches need very unique lots and won’t solve our problem. Vast stretches of vacant land designated “Office” need to be rezoned “Mixed Use” with an “Affordable Housing“ component, some commercial and green space. Huge malls are already applying for partial conversions. To make approvals efficient and speedy, the process has to be streamlined. A Mayor’s Advisory Panel made up of our best developers will be selected to help with that process. Mississauga needs housing in a wide range of prices to keep our residents and our young people where they prefer to live.
I pledge to improve the lives of those living in our city while keeping our property taxes to cost of living increases or less. I have raised millions of dollars through private sector donations and charitable events – over $1.5m for our food banks in ten years. I will continue to do so.
- Support gentle infill where lot sizes and access permits
- Compile a Mayor’s Advisory Panel of reputable builders to review and speed up project approvals
- Strenuously pursue unique solutions such as rezoning vacant Office designations to Mixed Use with housing
- Encourage rezoning of declining malls to Residential with walkable green space
Cost of Living

Mississauga residents are struggling with an ever-increasing cost of living. Much of the problem is as a result of the high cost of rent and the burden of mortgage renewal at often double the initial cost. Food and other necessities are escalating. Some who were formerly managing household costs are being forced to use food banks for the first time. It’s time for a full evaluation of the City’s part in assisting citizens with coping in these difficult times. The City must play its part by keeping the property taxes down as well as the costs of city and regional services. I propose quarterly budget consultations within each ward to monitor necessary expenses based on priorities regularly confirmed by those we serve. I commit to controlling City and Regional budgets to close to the rate of inflation while maintaining infrastructure such as roads and community centres, at the standards we have come to expect in our city. Services valued by our residents must also be delivered at reasonable, affordable rates. I will also strive to ensure Mississauga gets its fair share of federal and provincial funding to reduce the increasing burden on local property taxes.
- Have quarterly consultations within each ward to establish budget priorities
- Control City and Regional Budget increases to the rate of inflation or lower
- Maintain infrastructure in good repair
- Press for fair share of federal and provincial funding
- Keep property tax increases to Cost of Living or less
Improving Transportation

Public transit is the backbone of any progressive and affordable city. Reliable, quality service increases ridership, reduces road congestion and provides a safe, cost-effective means of moving around our city. We must meet this challenge and make transit an agreeable alternative to the car by making excellent service paramount. No closed door buses speeding by in rush hour, increased clean and well lit bus shelters and efficient transfers to connecting routes. Consultations with our front-line workers, the transit drivers, who best know how to increase efficiency and service are a must. A significant East-West connector to the LRT is also essential for efficient travel within the GTA as is all day GO to Milton. Funding from senior levels of government will be a priority. Lines of paint do not make our busy roads safe for cyclists. Before repaving any roads serious consultations must be had to evaluate the need for speed humps and cycling curbs for the safety of those who choose cycling as their mode of transportation.
- Push for efficient routes and services with no closed doors in rush hour
- Have regular consultation with MiWay employees
- Increase number of bus shelters
- Advocate for safer cycling lanes and speed humps installed when roads are being regularly resurfaced
Creating Community

To build and enhance more inclusive communities in a big city such as ours, we need to foster friendly and inclusive neighbourhoods where neighbours live, shop, enjoy arts and participate in recreational activities. Where residents of all ages and backgrounds feel connected to where they live. As the third largest city in Ontario, we must make an effort to address the sense of isolation felt by some, particularly our seniors. To promote seniors ability to connect easily with others we need free transit passes and greatly reduced costs for recreation activities – getting them out and about for better physical and mental health. Nothing feels better than “belonging”. I intend to also take care of our youth, attracting private donations to replicate the recently opened Malton Youth Hunger Jonathan David Centre. Over 1450 members making 50,000 visits since October. Trained young people prepare over 200 hot, ethically relevant lunches for kids every day who come to school hungry. I intend to build three more where they are most needed over the next six years
- Continue to pursue corporate donations for more safe, welcoming Youth Hubs for recreation, nutrition and counselling in higher risk neighbourhoods
- Demand 65+ identity cards allowing free transit, reduced recreation fees and increased property tax rebates
- Expand Celebration Square festivals with a second facility in City Centre precinct
- Renovate the Living Arts Centre and build an Art Gallery with private sector partnerships; enliven downtown and continue making our waterfront a destination
Safety: A Growing Concern

Public safety is a growing concern in Mississauga. While still rated as one of Canada’s safest large cities, the recent doubling of car thefts with the associated incidents of break-ins and assaults has made our citizens feel vulnerable. We have also seen the creation of specialized teams of police officers with accompanying mental health specialists to respond to increased calls for assistance with gender-based and intimate partner violence. I am committed to working with Peel Regional Police expand specialized response teams to deal with today’s changing community needs. I will lobby the federal government to address the equipment needed in our ports to close down the market for stolen cars and the changes needed in our courts to deter such crimes.
- Closely monitor the ratio of police officers to population in large cities and increase hires when necessary
- Pursue Federal installation of cargo scanners at shipping ports and rail yards to eliminate ready markets for stolen vehicles
- Push for bail reform and harsher penalties for break-ins and thefts
- Expand speeding and road safety technologies